2024 HC Sari, HH Putri, PWK Paksi, G Hidayat, SR Amelia, CDD Sundari, H Rachmawati, AL Ivansyah, F Muttaqien, F Iskandar “Theoretical Investigation of the Green-Synthesized Carbon-Based Nanomaterial Potential as Inhibitors of ACE2 for Blocking SARS-CoV-2 Binding” ACS Omega LD Putri, SR Amelia, Y Rohmatulloh, Sanusi, P Listiani, Yo Ichikawa, M Honda, T Sudiarti, AL Ivansyah “Insight into the role of Mg/B and Mg/Cu dual dopant on the properties of ZnO nanoparticles prepared by facile one-step combustion route for photocatalytic and antibacterial application” Optical Materials, Volume 147, January 2024, 114586 AA Choir, SR Amelia, MA Martoprawiro, Y Kusumawati, AL Ivansyah “Insight into the adsorption properties of CO2 and H2 gas on the B12Y12 (YN, P, As, Sb) nanocages from host-guest interaction perspective” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol 53, 31 January 2024 FF Habibah, WOS Rizki, AL Ivansyah, DI Astuti, R Hertadi “Green synthesis of copper ions nanoparticles functionalized with rhamnolipid as potential antibacterial agent for pathogenic bacteria” Heliyon, Volume 10, Issue 1, 15 January 2024, e24242 SR Amelia, Y Rohmatulloh, P Listiani, MJ Devi, Y Ichikawa, M Honda, N Nurrosyid, I Isnaeni, T Sudiarti, AL Ivansyah“One pot synthesis and performance of N-and (Mg, B, N)-doped ZnO for photocatalytic and antibacterial applications: Experimental and theoretical investigations” Ceramics International, Volume 50, Issue 7, Part A, 1 April 2024 2023 U Gunawan, S Ibrahim, AL Ivansyah, S Damayanti “Insights into the selective imprinted polymer of voriconazole from host-guest interaction perspective” Journal of Molecular Liquids 383, 122130 MA Irham, F Muttaqien, SZ Bisri, F Iskandar “Enhancing quantum capacitance of iron sulfide supercapacitor through defect-engineering: A first-principles calculation” Electrochimica Acta 449, 142235 W Mailisa, WD Annisa, FA Permatasari, R Amalia, AL Ivansyah, F Iskandar, H Rachmawati “In Vitro and Silico Studies on the N-Doped Carbon Dots Potential in ACE2 Expression Modulation” ACS omega 8 (11), 10077-10085 HC Sari, FA Mubarok, M Firdaus, IL Zulfa, A Fauzi, WONF Rajaelo, A Sulistyowati, AL Ivansyah, F Muttaqien “Computational molecular design to assist modification of single–walled carbon nanotubes with B, N, Al, Si, P, and S dopant atoms for Cl2 gas sensor application” Surface Science 731, 122264 FA Permatasari, R Umami, CDD Sundari, TR Mayangsari, AL Ivansyah, F Muttaqien, T Ogi, F Iskandar “New insight into pyrrolic-N site effect towards the first NIR window absorption of pyrrolic-N-rich carbon dots” Nano Research, 1-9 FF Habibah, AL Ivansyah, S Ivan, R Hertadi “Graphene quantum dots functionalised with rhamnolipid produced from bioconversion of palm kernel oil by Pseudomonas stutzeri BK-AB12MT as a photocatalyst” RSC advances 13 (5), 2949-2962 2022 Mubarok, F. A., Sari, H. C., Firdaus, M., Pratiwi, W. E., EIvansyah, A. L., and Muttaqien, F,. “Density functional theory investigation on the interaction of F2 with (4,0) SWCNT and X-doped (4,0) SWCNT for gas sensor application (X = B, S, Si, N, and Al)”, Diamond and Related Materials, Volume 130, December 2022, 109463 NI Oktavianti, GR Anindika, AL Ivansyah, Y Kusumawati “Theoretical study of nickel-doped zinc oxide interaction with methylene blue and methyl orange using DFT methods” Materials Research Express 9 (12), 125505 FA Permatasari, R Umami, CDD Sundari, TR Mayangsari, AL Ivansyah, F Muttaqien T Ogi, F Iskandar “New insight into pyrrolic-N site effect towards the first NIR window absorption of pyrrolic-N-rich carbon dots” Nano Research, 1-9 BTI Ali, N Widiastuti, Y Kusumawati, AL Ivansyah, J Jaafar “Solvent selection in membrane preparation from polyethylene terephthalate plastic waste: computational and experimental study” Materials Research Express 9 (12), 125302 MF Akmal, D Wahyuningrum, AL Ivansyah “Theoretical insight and molecular recognition of oxatub [4] arene-based organic macrocycle as a supramolecular host for antipsychotic drug risperidone” Journal of Molecular Liquids 366, 120195 R Subagyo, LJ Diguna, AL Ivansyah, ME Witkowski, M Makowski “Scintillation properties of ((CH3) 4N) 3BiCl6 as a novel lead-free perovskite halide crystal” Materials Research Express 9 (9), 096202 IK Fitri, AL Ivansyah, R Hertadi “Potential Application of Rhamnolipid-Silica Nanoparticle Complex for Enhanced Oil Recovery Studied with Molecular DynamicsSimulations” Materials Science Forum 1061, 105-112 Y Kusumawati, AL Ivansyah, BTI Ali, KA Kurnia, AS Hutama, H Fansuri “Photophysical properties of ammonium, pyrrolidinium, piperidinium, imidazolium, and pyridinium as a guide to prepare ionic-organic hybrid materials” Heliyon 8 (3) CDD Sundari, AL Ivansyah, O Floweri, IM Arcana, F Iskandar “Insights into the intermolecular interactions and temperature-concentration dependence of transport in ionic liquid-based EMI–TFSI/LiTFSI electrolytes” New Journal of Chemistry 46 (8), 3966-3977 H Juwono, AF Imron, NI Oktavianti, AL Ivansyah, Y Kusumawati “Study of methanol, triacetin, and acetic acid adsorption on ZnO and V-doped ZnO surface” Monatshefte für Chemie-Chemical Monthly 153 (1), 49-59 R Umami, FA Permatasari, DAM Muyassiroh, AS Santika, CDD Sundari, AL Ivansyah, T Ogi, F Iskandar “A rational design of carbon dots via the combination of nitrogen and oxygen functional groups towards the first NIR window absorption” Journal of Materials Chemistry C 10 (4), 1394-1402 2021 HH Halim, SEM Putra, F Muttaqien, I Hamada, K Inagaki, Y Hamamoto, Y Morikawa “Multi-scale Simulation of Equilibrium Step Fluctuations on Cu (111) Surfaces” ACS omega 6 (8), 5183-5196 MA Irham, F Muttaqien, SZ Bisri, F Iskandar “Role of Intrinsic Points Defects on the Electronic Structure of Metal–Insulator Transition h-FeS” The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12 (44), 10777-10782 M Sumanto, MA Martoprawiro, AL Ivansyah “The prediction of molecule atomization energy using neural network and extreme gradient boosting” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2072 (1), 012005 AL Ivansyah “Theoretical investigation of interaction between hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin and hydroxychloroquine” AIP Conference Proceedings 2349 (1) AL Ivansyah “Computational investigation of interaction between β-cyclodextrin and hydroxychloroquine” AIP Conference Proceedings 2349 (1) NI Oktavianti, GR Anindika, AL Ivansyah, H Juwono, Y Kusumawati “Computational study of methylene blue on nickel doped ZnO cluster” AIP Conference Proceedings 2349 (1) GR Anindika, NI Oktavianti, AL Ivansyah, A Fadlan, Y Kusumawati “Alkali metal doped ZnO nanoclusters for methylene blue photodegradation: Computational studies” AIP Conference Proceedings 2349 (1) AL Ivansyah “Computational modeling of inclusion complex between aromatic amine and calixarene analogs using Semiempiric Quantum Method (SQM)” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1869 (1), 012056 SEM Putra, F Muttaqien, Y Hamamoto, K Inagaki, A Shiotari, J Yoshinobu, Y Morikawa, I Hamada “Theoretical study on adsorption and reaction of polymeric formic acid on the Cu (111) surface” Physical Review Materials 5 (7), 075801 JI Enriquez, F Muttaqien, M Michiuchi, K Inagaki, M Geshi, I Hamada, Y Morikawa “Oxidative etching mechanism of the diamond (100) surface” Carbon 174, 36-51 F Muttaqien, NAP Namari, SA Wella, TDK Wungu “CO2 adsorption on graphene supported Ni catalysts” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1949 (1), 012003 MA Irham, F Muttaqien, SZ Bisri, F Iskandar “First-Principles Study of Vacancy Effect on Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Iron Sulfide (FeS)” JSAP Annual Meetings Extended Abstracts The 68th JSAP Spring Meeting 2021 S Sanusi, S Setiadji, ND Hakim, S Aziz, A Sawitri, H Aliah, E P Hadisantoso, A L Ivansyah and D G Syarif “The study of structural properties and photocatalytic activity of ZnO prepared by ultrasonic assisted precipitation method” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1869 (1), 012013 R Hertadi, AL Ivansyah “Molecular docking simulation of interaction between insulin and silica nanoparticle” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1869 (1), 012062 AL Ivansyah “Molecular docking study of inclusion complex between aromatic amine and Calixarene analogs” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1869 (1), 012053 RM Putri, CDD Sundari, O Floweri, TR Mayangsari, AL Ivansyah, S P. Santosa, I M. Arcana, F Iskandar “PEO/PVA/LiOH solid polymer electrolyte prepared via ultrasound-assisted solution cast method” Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 556, 120549 AW Nugraha, Z Muchtar, IS Jahro, A Sutiani, HA Nasution, AL Ivansyah “The Study of Stability and Structure of the Interaction Between β-Carotene Compounds with Methanol, Ethanol, Acetone, Chloroform, Carbon Tetrachloride, Cyclohexane, and N” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1819 (1), 012055 T Sudiarti, NH Handayani, Y Rohmatulloh, SR Amelia, RM Yusuf, …“Facile synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles for the photodegradation of rhodamine-B” Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi 24 (6), 185-191 2020 JIG Enriquez, F Muttaqien, M Michiuchi, K Inagaki, M Geshi, I Hamada, Y Morikawa “First-Principles Study on Oxidative Etching of Diamond (100) Surface” JSAP Annual Meetings Extended Abstracts The 81st JSAP Autumn Meeting 2020 AL Ivansyah “Kajian Teoretis Interaksi Antarmolekul pada Kompleks Inklusi Hidroksipropil-β-Siklodekstrin dan Hidroksiklorokuin” al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan 7 (2), 95-102 AL Ivansyah “Investigasi Teoretis Interaksi Nonkovalen antara β-Siklodekstrin dan Hidroksiklorokuin” Akta Kimia Indonesia 5 (2), 127-140 2019 AL Ivansyah, ES Nurhidayah, CDD Sundari, MA Martoprawiro, B Buchari “Computational study of inclusion complex between Omeprazole enantiomer and β-Cyclodextrin: NBO and RDG analysis” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402 (5), 055068 SEM Putra, F Muttaqien, Y Hamamoto, K Inagaki, I Hamada, Y Morikawa “Van der Waals density functional study of formic acid adsorption and decomposition on Cu (111)” The Journal of Chemical Physics 150 (15) S Setiadji, CDD Sundari, V Aprilia, E Sumiyanto, I Novianti, AL Ivansyah “Synthesis of zeolite NaX using elephant grass (pennisetum purpureum) as a silica source and its characterization” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402 (6), 066016 J Quan, F Muttaqien, T Kondo, T Kozarashi, T Mogi, T Imabayashi, Y Hamamoto, K Inagaki, I Hamada, Y Morikawa, J Nakamura “Vibration-driven reaction of CO2 on Cu surfaces via Eley–Rideal-type mechanism” Nature Chemistry 11 (8), 722-729 CDD Sundari, S Setiadji, A Andriani, E Sumiyanto, AL Ivansyah “Synthesis of silicalite-1 zeolite using silica from elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum)” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402 (5), 055064 Y Kusumawati, AL Ivansyah, MA Martoprawiro, LW Oktavia, KA Madurani, …“Computational Study of Structure and Photophysical Properties Relationship of Carbazoles with Four Anchoring Groups for DSSC: Consideration for Light Harvesting and Electron” Chiang Mai Journal of Science 46 (6), 1219-1228 Y Kusumawati, AL Ivansyah, MA Martoprawiro, LW Oktavia, KA Madurani, …“Computational Study of Structure and Photophysical Properties Relationship of Carbazoles with Four Anchoring Groups for DSSC: Consideration for Light Harvesting and Electron” Chiang Mai Journal of Science 46 (6), 1219-1228 2018 TN Pham, M Sugiyama, F Muttaqien, SEM Putra, K Inagaki, DN Son, Y Hamamoto, I Hamada, Y Morikawa “Hydrogen Bond-Induced Nitric Oxide Dissociation on Cu (110)” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (22), 11814-11824 ZR Puteri, Y Kusumawati, AL Ivansyah, MA Martoprawiro “Computational study to determine redox potential of nitroxide radical and their derivatives compounds along with their analysis as redox-coupe in dye sensitized solar cell’s (DSSC)” AIP Conference Proceedings 2049 (1) AT Apriliani, Y Kusumawati, AL Ivansyah, MA Martoprawiro “Computational study of electronic properties of carbazole derivatives compounds as sensitizer on dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC)” AIP Conference Proceedings 2049 (1) S Setiadji, BW Nuryadin, H Ramadhan, CDD Sundari, T Sudiarti, A Supriadin, AL Ivansyah “Preparation of reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) assisted by microwave irradiation and hydrothermal for reduction methods” IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 434 (1), 012079 S Setiadji, IS Nurazizah, CDD Sundari, W Darmalaksana, DF Nurbaeti, I Novianti, TBN Azizah, D Abdurrahman, AL Ivansyah “Synthesis of zeolite ZSM-11 using bamboo leaf as silica source” IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 434 (1), 012084 S Setiadji, CDD Sundari, BW Nuryadin, H Zayyinunnisya, R Cahyandari, AL Ivansyah “Computational Study of Inclusion Complexes Between Omeprazole Enantiomer with Hydroxypropyl-β-Cyclodextrin” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1090 (1), 012055 CDD Sundari, S Setiadji, BW Nuryadin, R Syafia, AF Huda, AL Ivansyah “Ab initio study on electronic structure of some imidazole derivatives and its correlation with corrosion inhibition properties” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1090 (1), 012054 ES Nurhidayah, AL Ivansyah, MA Martoprawiro, MA Zulfikar “A Molecular docking study to predict enantioseparation of some chiral carboxylic acid derivatives by methyl-β-cyclodextrin” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1013 (1), 012203 CDD Sundari, S Setiadji, MA Ramdhani, AL Ivansyah, NIT Widhiasari “Additional halogen group (F, Cl, and Br) to 2-Phenyl-imidazole [1, 2α] pyridine on corrosion inhibition properties: a computational study” IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 288 (1), 012033 CDD Sundari, S Setiadji, Y Rohmatullah, S Sanusi, DF Nurbaeti, I Novianti, I Farida, A Nurohmah, AL Ivansyah “Synthesis of zeolite L using rice husk ash silica for adsorption of methylene blue: kinetic and adsorption isotherm” MATEC Web of Conferences 197, 05002 S Setiadji, CDD Sundari, E Lala, DF Nurbaeti, I Novianti, D Suhendar, W Darmalaksana, AL Ivansyah “The increased use value of bamboo leaves as silica source for t-type zeolite synthesis” MATEC Web of Conferences 197, 05003 2017 SA Wella, H Sawada, N Kawaguchi, F Muttaqien, K Inagaki, I Hamada, Y Morikawa, Y Hamamoto “Hybrid image potential states in molecular overlayers on graphene” Physical Review Materials 1 (6), 061001 GM Gunawan, D Suhendar, CDD Sundari, AL Ivansyah, S Setiadji, Y Rohmatulloh “Sintesis Zeolit Silikalit-1 Menggunakan Limbah Tongkol Jagung sebagai Sumber Silika” al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan 4 (2), 91-99 S Setiadji, AS Wahyuni, D Suhendar, CDD Sundari, AL Ivansyah “Pemanfaatan Rumput Gajah Sebagai Sumber Silika Untuk Sintesis Zeolit T” al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan 4 (2), 51-60 F Muttaqien, Y Hamamoto, I Hamada, K Inagaki, Y Shiozawa, K Mukai, T Koitaya, S Yoshimoto, J Yoshinobu, Y Morikawa “CO2 adsorption on the copper surfaces: van der Waals density functional and TPD studies” The Journal of Chemical Physics 147 (9) T Koitaya, Y Shiozawa, Y Yoshikura, K Mukai, S Yoshimoto, S Torii, F Muttaqien, Y Hamamoto, K Inagaki, Y Morikawa, J Yoshinobu “Electronic states and growth modes of Zn atoms deposited on Cu (111) studied by XPS, UPS and DFT” Surface Science 663, 1-10 Y Kusumawati, J Massin, C Olivier, T Toupance, AL Ivansyah, MA Martoprawiro, B Prijamboedi, CL Radiman, Th Pauporte “Combined computational and experimental study of carbazole dyes for iodide-and cobalt-based ZnO DSSCs” Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 341, 69-77 AL Ivansyah, MA Martoprawiro “Computational modeling of inclusion complex of r/s-omeprazole with β-cyclodextrin using oniom2 method” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 812 (1), 012070 CDD Sundari, MA Martoprawiro, AL Ivansyah “A DFT and TDDFT study of PCM effect on N3 dye absorption in ethanol solution” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 812 (1), 012068 F Muttaqien, H Oshima, Y Hamamoto, K Inagaki, I Hamada, Y Morikawa “Desorption dynamics of CO 2 from formate decomposition on Cu (111)” Chemical Communications 53 (66), 9222-9225 F Muttaqien, H Oshima, Y Hamamoto, K Inagaki, I Hamada, Y Morikawa “Energy Transfer Dynamics of Desorbed CO2 in Formate Decomposition on Cu (111)” 日本物理学会講演概要集 72.1, 2595-2595 F Muttaqien “Chemistry of CO2 Adsorption and Reaction on the Copper Surfaces” 2016 E Aprilia, F Muttaqien, A Purqon, S Suprijadi “The Effects of Atomic Substitutions (Bismuth, Gallium, Arsenic) on Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Carbon Nanotubes” Jurnal Matematika dan Sains 20 (1) F Muttaqien, Y Hamamoto, H Kizaki, K Inagaki, Y Morikawa “21aAJ-5 Role of Subsurface Hydrogen in Formate Hydrogenation on Flat and Stepped Cu Surfaces” Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 71.1, 2596 SA Wella, N Kawaguchi, F Muttaqien, Y Hamamoto, K Inagaki, I Hamada, Y Morikawa“22pAJ-3 Study of Naphthalene Adsorption on Graphene: van der Waals Density Functional Theory” Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 71.1, 2637 SA Wella, N Kawaguchi, H Sawada, F Muttaqien, Y Hamamoto, K Inagaki,I Hamada, Y Morikawa “First principles analysis of naphthalene on graphene at high coverage” 日本物理学会講演概要集 71.2, 2340-2340 2015 S Setiadji, AL Ivansyah, BI Akbar “Studi Komputasi Senyawa Dopamin dan Dopamin-Ti (OH) 2 untuk Aplikasi Sel Surya Tersensitasi Zat Warna” JURNAL ISTEK 9 (2) F Muttaqien, S Suprijadi “Ab initio study of semiconductor atoms impurities in zigzag edge (10, 0) carbon nanotubes” AIP Conference Proceedings 1656 (1) F Muttaqien, Y Hamamoto, H Kizaki, K Inagaki, Y Morikawa “21aAE-6 Complex Insight into CO_2 Dissociation on Copper Surfaces: Cu-O-Cu Chain Formation and H_2O Effects” Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 70.1, 2510 S Setiadji, AL Ivansyah, AB Pribadi “Studi Komputasi Senyawa Berbasis Anisil Indol dengan Senyawa Akseptor Asam Sianoakrilik sebagai Sensitizer Solar Sel Organik” al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan 2 (1), 41-45 M Hosni, Y Kusumawati, S Farhat, N Jouini, AL Ivansyah, …“Ruthenium polypyridyl TG6 dye for the sensitization of nanoparticle and nanocrystallite spherical aggregate photoelectrodes” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7 (3), 1568-1577 2014 F Muttaqien, Y Hamamoto, K Inagaki, Y Morikawa “Dissociative adsorption of CO2 on flat, stepped, and kinked Cu surfaces” The Journal of Chemical Physics 141 (3) 2013 A Setiadi, MS Alam, F Muttaqien, M Saito “Hydrogen adsorption in capped armchair edge (5, 5) carbon nanotubes” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 52 (12R), 125105 M Shafiul Alam, F Muttaqien, A Setiadi, M Saito “First-principles calculations of hydrogen monomers and dimers adsorbed in graphene and carbon nanotubes” Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 82 (4), 044702 2012 MS Alam, F Muttaqien, A Satiadi, M Saito “20pPSA-69 First-Principles Calculations of Hydrogen Adsorbed in Carbon Nanomaterials” Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 67.2. 4, 845 MS Alam, F Muttaqien, A Setiadi, M Saito “26pPSB-62 First-Principles Calculations of Hydrogen Impurities in Nano-carbon Materials” Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 67.1. 4, 970