The basic foundations of our technology, and its foreseen development in the 21st century, basically lie on the multidiscipline fields including physical sciences, material science, computational sciences, etc. To meet the ever-increasing demand for novel materials, and at the same time satisfy the growing public concern for the energy/power consumption and environmental impacts, novel routines other than relying on the age-old tradition of trial-and-error/hit-and-miss would be necessary. Given these circumstances, the development of novel theoretical routines and techniques that could quickly and efficiently find new functional materials for synthesis is mandatory. With recent developments in computational techniques, coupled with the rapid progress in computer efficiency, ab initio/first principles-based computational materials design (CMD®) is now a reality.

Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) and Osaka University have collaborated to conduct Asian CMD (A-CMD) workshop annually since 2008. Many research collaborations have been promoted since the first workshop. The purpose of this workshop is to provide:

  1. A first-hand experience of how computational materials design is carried out, including the basic knowledge and techniques,
  2. Full course training of ab initio/first principles-based packages, and
  3. Experience of how to utilize high-performance computing (HPC) facility.

Both parties expect that participants can have new paradigm in materials science research. The lectures will be given by Prof. Tamio Oguchi, Prof. Yoshitada Morikawa, and Prof. Kazunari Sato from Osaka University, and by Fahdzi Muttaqien, Ph.D. and Dr. Atthar Luqman Ivansyah from ITB.

The workshop will be held in hybrid:

Date: September 21 – 23, 2023

Time: 09:00 – 17:00

Venue: Basic Science Center A (BSC-A) 1st Floor, ITB

Participants who attend offline/in-person will have opportunity to use HPC facilities in ITB up to 120 cores (sharing usage) within 30 days after the workshop. This workshop is partially sponsored by Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science ITB, Osaka University, and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).

Scientific Committee

  1. Wahyu Srigutomo
  2. Rukman Hertadi
  3. Hanni Garminia Y.
  4. Aep Patah
  5. Anton Timur Jaelani
  6. Pritta Etriana Putri
  7. Wahyu Hidayat

Organizing Committee

  1. Fahdzi Muttaqien (chair)
  2. Atthar L. Ivansyah
  3. Abdul Muizz Tri Pradipto
  4. Dwi Irwanto
  5. Finny Oktariani
  6. Hakim Lutfhi Malasan
  7. Mia Ledyastuti
  8. Rinovia Simanjuntak
  9. Ikbal Arifyanto
  10. Sparisoma Viridi
  11. Triati D.K. Wungu

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